These biographies are not just full of information about the
person, but typically include valuable information about their
relatives and ancestors. Although the biographical information
may not always be accurate, they can be used as a springboard
for your research.
The names for biographies in the 1892 Portrait and Biographical Record
have been added to the list below. For the biographies that have not yet
been transcribed, the beginning page number is noted.
Absher, Albert A.
Ald, Lewis 1892 bio p713
Allen, Henry
Allgaier, Jeremiah 1892 bio p309
Amm, John C. 1892 bio p370
Anderson, Andrew D. 1892 bio p536
Anderson, Christopher 1892 bio p437
Anderson, Christopher 1908 bio
Anderson, Swen 1892 bio p441
Anderson, Swen 1908 bio
Anderson, Swen 1908
Swedes bio
Andrews, Benjamin C. 1892 bio p591
Andrews, Daniel H.
Andrews, James H. 1892 bio p725
Arends, George T. 1892 bio p449
Arends, Onno
Arends, Teis 1892 bio p393
Arnold, Amos S. 1892 bio p765
Ashby, Charles 1892 bio p509
Ashley, Laurin N. 1892 bio p786
Atwood, Henry 1892 bio
Atwood, Henry 1908 bio
Ayresman, W. H.
Baare, David 1892 bio p689
Babcock, Edward 1892 bio p415
Baker, William 1892 bio p333
Baker, William Alfred 1892 bio p522
Barker, Jesse G. 1892 bio p714
Barrow, Augustus A.
Barrow, A. W.
Barrow, Hamilton J. 1892 bio p482
Bartelson, Olof P.
Bayler, Alfred P.
Beach, Hugh P. 1892 bio p754
Beach, Hugh P. 1908 bio
Beardsley, Fred W.
Beck, August
Beighle, Elias B.
Bell, John D. 1892 bio p731
Bell, Samuel 1892 bio p598
Benson, Henry 1892 bio p626
Bernhardt, John George 1892 bio p403
Bevington, H. H.
Bicket, William A.
Bishop, Lemuel Newton 1892 bio p732
Bishop, Lucas T. 1892 bio p315
Blackmore, James 1892 bio p477
Blackstock, Robert 1892 bio p343
Blake, Anselm T. 1892 bio p700
Blesch, Jacob
Bloom, Isaac Otto 1892 bio p567
Bloom, Isaac O.
Boal, D. A. 1892 bio p634
Bogardus, Charles 1892 bio
Bogardus, Charles 1908 bio
Bogardus, Hannah
Bond, John 1892 bio p785
Bond, William 1892 bio p380
Bonnen, George
Bonnen, Harry
Boshell, O. K.
Bowen, Peter C. 1892 bio p546
Bowen, William H. 1892 bio p727
Bradbury, R. E.
Bremer, Andrew P. 1892 bio p304
Bressie, Lewis E. 1892 bio p804
Britt, Leander
Broadbent, John
Brock, Henry
Brotherton, Campbell G.
Brown, Aaron
Brown, Joseph J. 1892 bio p310
Browning, A. B.
Brucker, August
Buchholz, Albert
Buchholz, August
Buchholz, Charles 1892 bio p455
Buchner, Christian Jacob 1892 bio p377
Bulger, John 1892 bio p745
Bullington, Aaron C. 1892 bio p772
Bunker, John E.
Burger, Joseph 1892 bio p651
Burger, Joseph
Burns, William W. 1892 bio p579
Burns, William W.
Cain, Thomas W. 1892 bio p514
Campbell, James Young 1892 bio p519
Campbell, Oscar L. 1892 bio p417
Campbell, William A. 1892 bio p314
Carlson, Carl F. 1892 bio p430
Carpenter, Henry S. 1892 bio p582
Carpenter, H. S. 1908 bio
Carson, J. B.
Catron, Arthur S.
Chamberlin, Thomas W.
Chambers, Robert Barber 1892 bio p667
Chambers, Robert B. 1908 bio
Chapin, Charles E. 1892 bio p694
Cherry, A. L.
Clark, Remembrance 1892 bio p545
Clark, Samuel
Clarke, Alexander 1892 bio p614
Clayton, John 1892 bio p618
Clem, Jeremiah 1892 bio p386
Cless, John J.
Climpson, Richard 1892 bio p746
Clinebell, Koscie
Coal, P. A.
Coddington, Robert B.
Collier, John H. 1892 bio p385
Colwell, Michael, 1892 bio p771
Conger, Cary M. 1892 bio p304
Cook, Charles A. 1892 bio p810
Cook, Charles A. 1908 bio
Cook, France L.
Cook, Harry D.
Coomes, Ammon
Cooper, Elizabeth
Cooper, James Alfred 1892 bio p357
Corbly, Lindsey 1892 bio p571
Cox, Michael 1892 bio p661
Crammond, James E.
Crandall, Christopher C. 1892 bio p688
Crandall, H. A.
Crawford, James 1892 bio p673
Crawford, James 1908 bio
Crawford, John
Cruzen, Randolph 1892 bio p507
Cubbuck, Judson 1892 bio p464
Cue, Thomas
Culbertson, Samuel D. 1892 bio p565
Culter, Frank O.
Curd, Charles 1892 bio p719
Currie, William 1892 bio p489
Dahlgren, Nils 1892 bio p514
Dally, Harvey M. 1892 bio p748
Damon, Oscar Henry 1892 bio p435
Damon, Oscar H. 1908 bio
Dancer, William
Daniels, Stacy 1892 bio p535
Davis, Frank S. 1892 bio p554
Day, Isaac C.
Day, John Purviance 1892 bio p337
Day, Nicholas Balfour 1892 bio p344
Day, Samuel 1892 bio p332
Day, Samuel Levi 1892 bio p355
Decker, John H.
Denman, Dekalb
Dickey, John W. 1892 bio p794
Diers, Henry
Dixon, Jane E.
Dolan, Michael H.
Donahue, J. F.
Donley, Oscar
Doran, Thomas
Dougherty, John Y. 1892 bio p521
Down, Charles W. 1892 bio p587
Drendel, Frank S. 1892 bio p766
Drendel, George
Drendel, Henry A.
Duckworth, E. F.
Dueringer, Henry 1892 bio p758
Dunham, J. C. 1892 bio p520
Dunn, Richard
Dunnan, Hugh 1892 bio p779
Dunnan, Hugh 1908 bio
Dunnan, James W.
Durham, William T. 1892 bio p719
Dwyer, Daniel 1892 bio p529
Dysert, James 1892 bio p727
Fagerburg, Frank B.
Falter, John L.
Falter, Louis 1892 bio p585
Farley, Deloss P.
Farley, Isaac P. 1892 bio p769
Farley, Joel E.
Farlin, Joseph
Farrar, Lockhart B. 1892 bio p426
Farris, Henry
Fellwock, Charles A.
Flagg, James H. 1892 bio p405
Flora, William B. 1892 bio p717
Fogar, Charl 1892 bio p562
Foley, James B. 1892 bio p553
Foreman, D. Guyn 1892 bio p674
Forney, Henry A. 1892 bio p682
Frederickson, Gustave 1892 bio p411
Fricke, Ferdinand
Fuoss, Jacob 1892 bio p607
Gallahue, Patrick
Gallahue, Thomas
Gardner, Edward A. 1892 bio p451
Gash, William T. 1892 bio p632
Gash, William T. 1908 bio
George, Eugene H.
Gerdes, Gerd 1892 bio p700
Gilkeson, John W. 1892 bio p639
Gilkeson, John W. 1908 bio
Gilmore, Albert 1892 bio p753
Gilmore, Albert 1908 bio
Gilmore, Craig 1892 bio p803
Gilmore, William 1892 bio p746
Glass, George W. 1892 bio p599
Glass, James P.
Gleason, M. M.
Glenn, Theophilus M. 1892 bio p620
Goodman, John 1892 bio p702
Goodman, William
Goodwin, William H. 792
Gourley, W. T.
Granger, John P. 1892 bio p725
Green, David W. 1892 bio p624
Gregory, Harry Lea 1892 bio p451
Grove, George 1892 bio p503
Gullander, Paul
Gullett, William H.
Hagin, John Edmond 1892 bio p706
Hahn, Gottlieb
Hall, Henry C. 1892 bio p545
Hall, Henry C. 1908 bio
Hall, James D.
Hamer, Frederick 1892 bio p488
Hand, Ira W. 1892 bio p701
Hand, Ira W. 1908 bio
Hanley, John M. 1892 bio p515
Harry, Erastus Harkness 1892 bio p720
Harvey, Eli 1892 bio p533
Hatteberg, John A. 1892 bio p718
Haupt, George W. 1892 bio p354
Hayes, Charles O. 1892 bio p338
Henderson, John C. 1892 bio p484
Helman, Charles F.
Helmer, John F. G.
Hemdahl, Gustaf E.
Henderson, William B.
Henrichs, Harm
Herron, J. W. 1892 bio p612
Herron, James W. 1908 bio
Hevener, Robert 1892 bio p623
Hevener, Silas D.
Hickey, Jerry
Hiddleson, George H.
Hiddleson, James M.
Higgins, Nathan M.
Hilborn, Calvin 1892 bio p676
Hills, Elbert E.
Hock, James
Holderman, Landy S.
Hollen, Peter 1892 bio p769
Holmes, Christian 1892 bio p690
Holmes, John H.
Holmes, William B. 1892 bio p409
Holmgrain, Oscar V. 1892 bio p411
Holmquest, Swan I. 1892 bio p443
Hoover, William A. 1892 bio p399
Hopkins, Abram Seymour 1892 bio p566
Houston, James J. 1892 bio p784
Hughs, John 1892 bio p778
Hummer, John 1892 bio p617
Hunt, E. S.
Hunt, Enoch S.
Hunt, John S. 1892 bio p475
Hunt, John S. 1908 bio
Hunt, P. E.
Hunt, William J. 1892 bio p660
Hunt, W. J. 1908 bio
Hunter, William Harrison 1892 bio p488
Hurst, Joseph 1892 bio p680
Hurst, William 1892 bio p327
Hussong, Louis
Huston, John
Huston, William S. 1892 bio p777
Huston, W. S. 1908 bio
Hutchison, William A. 1892 bio
Hutchison, William A. 1908 bio
Karr, John 1892 bio p429
Karr, Robert M. 1892 bio p699
Karsten, John
Keefe, James
Keeffe, John 1892 bio p592
Keefe, John 1908 bio
Keighin, David 1892 bio p760
Keighin, D. B. 1908 bio
Keitzmann, Reinhold A. 1892 bio p560
Keitzmann, William 1892 bio p380
Kelso, Elmer Llincoln 1892 bio p510
Kelso, Hugh A.
Kemp, James 1892 bio p638
Kemp, Nicholas M. 1892 bio p418
Kenney, John F. 1892 bio p605
Kenney, William
Kenward, John C. 1892 bio p326
Kerchanfaut, John 1892 bio p745
Kerns, Emanuel 1892 bio p481
Kewley, Daniel
Kewley, Thomas
Kiblinger, S. H.
Kimler, Augustus H. 1892 bio p573
King, Joseph V. 1892 bio p392
Kirkpatrick, James C. 1892 bio p540
Kjellstrand, A. W. 1892 bio p458
Kneale, William 1892 bio p586
Koerner, Mathew
Koestner, Fannie A.
Koestner, Paul
Kreitzer, John L.
Kuntz, A. M.
Lamb, Wallace S.
Landel, William P. 1892 bio p626
Lange, Albert C.
Larson, Charles A. 1908 bio
Larson, Charles A. 1908 Swedes bio
Larson, Louis T.
Larson, Olin
Larson, Peter 1892 bio p397
Larson, Theodore J. 1892 bio p477
Laurence, Augustus J.
Leach, Joseph B. 1892 bio p527
LeFevre, Samuel J. 1892 bio p490
LeFevre, Samuel J. 1908 bio
LeFevre, W. C. M. 1892 bio p478
Leininger, Henry H 1892 bio p305
Lemna, Isaac C.
Leonard, John H. 1892 bio p780
Lesch, Stephen
Lewis, John R. 1892 bio p653
Liddle, Thomas J.
Linn, J. C. 1892 bio p559
Litwiller, Peter 1892 bio p581
Lohman, Franz Gottlieb 1892 bio p379
Lott, Jonathan B. 1892 bio p539
Lott, Jonathan B. 1892 bio p797
Lowry, Emanuel 1892 bio p391
Ludlow, James D. 1892 bio p405
Ludlow, Samuel
Lundgren, Sven A.
Lyman, Edward M. 1892 bio p316
Lynch, Thomas J. 1892 bio p704
Lytle, Seth 1892 bio p306
Nelson, Andrew J. 1892 bio p404
Nelson, John H.
Newhart, Matthias W. 1892 bio p354
Newkirk, Reuben 1892 bio p361
Newlin, Samuel W. 1892 bio p555
Newman, David 1892 bio p321
Newman, John 1892 bio p397
Nordgren, Charles A. 1892 bio p548
Nordgren, C. A. 1908 bio
Nugent, Garrett
Nugent, Thomas
Raab, Henry
Randall, George 1892 bio p594
Randles, Samuel G. 1892 bio p547
Rasmus, Peter 1892 bio p412
Rawlings, Henry C. 1892 bio p346
Read, Arby D.
Read, Charles M.
Read, Thomas
Reed, John Wesley 1892 bio p504
Reed, Thomas 1892 bio p598
Reep, David 1892 bio p340
Reep, David 1908 bio
Reinhardt, Ernest G. 1892 bio p806
Reising, Frank L.
Reitz, Claus H.
Remsburg, Carlton I. 1892 bio p308
Remsburg, Carlton I. 1908 bio
Reynolds, Thomas
Rezener, James R. 1892 bio p567
Rice, Edwin 1892 bio p319
Richardson, John
Richmond, Joseph 1892 bio p726
Rierson, Christ 1892 bio p740
Ringeisen, Charles 1892 bio p580
Roberts, James 1892 bio p513
Rockwood, Lewis E. 1892 bio p394
Rockwood, Ralph B. 1892 bio p568
Rohrbach, John
Ross, Timothy 1892 bio p369
Rowan, Thomas 1892 bio p666
Rudolph, H. M.
Rudolphi, Gustave W.
Russell, John J.
Russell, Joseph P.
Ryerson, Christian G.
Sackett, Orville D. 1892 bio p528
Sample, Alfred
Sanders, Warren O.
Saxton, James L. 1892 bio p645
Saxton, James L. 1908 bio
Schumacher, John F.
Schunk, Louis 1892 bio p624
Schutte, Harry
Scott, John A. 1892 bio p600
Scott, John A. 1908 bio
Scott, Thomas 1892 bio p696
Scott, Winfield
Sears, Nathan L. 1892 bio p574
Seastrand, Frans A.
Shambrook, Frederick T.
Shambrook, James R.
Shambrook, Robert
Shamel, J. Young
Sharp, Frank E.
Shaw, John A.
Shearer, Lewis 1892 bio p742
Sheldon, James 1892 bio p593
Sheldon, James 1908 bio
Sherman, Myron L.
Shilts, John 1892 bio p728
Shilts, John 1908 bio
Shirley, Oliver A. 1892 bio p703
Shoop, John D.
Short, John
Sibley, Hiram, Estate of 1892 bio p387
Sidesinger, Hiram Y. 1892 bio p307
Simms, William H. 1892 bio p611
Siverling, David E. 1892 bio p470
Skog, John 1892 bio p444
Smith, Albert S. 1892 bio p468
Smith, C. P.
Smith, James F. 1892 bio p442
Smith, John P. 1892 bio p378
Smith, John P. 1908 bio
Smith, John W. 1892 bio p668
Smith, Robert G. 1892 bio p476
Snelling, James H. 1892 bio p501
Snelling, J. H. 1908 bio
Snyder, Milton T. 1892 bio p309
Snyder, Napoleon 1892 bio p675
Soucie, Nelson
Sowers, T. J. 1892 bio p313
Spalding, Truman D. 1892 bio p431
Speedie, David
Speedie, Matthew 1892 bio p450
Spellmeyer, Charles
Spellmeyer, George H. 1892 bio p358
Spellmeyer, Henry C. 1892 bio p542
Spellmeyer, Henry 1908 bio
Spera, Jacob W. 1892 bio p613
Spindler, John
Stadler, Frank
Stadler, John 1892 bio p619
Stadler, John A. 1908 bio
Stare, Elias A. 1892 bio p483
Stedman, Earl
Stedman, Nelson 1892 bio p681
Stedman, Henry
Steinmann, Frederick E.
Steinmann, Henry 1892 bio p547
Stevens, Edgar N.
Stevens, Norman Edmunc 1892 bio p456
Stimpson, Hiland 1892 bio p757
Stites, Benjamin
Stites, William H. 1892 bio p494
Stockdale, George
Stoner, Daniel C. 1892 bio p362
Strauss, Tolbert B. 1892 bio p436
Strayer, Harmon 1892 bio p382
Strine, Daniel H. 1892 bio p462
Strong, Robert 1892 bio p399
Stuart, Andrew 1892 bio p666
Sullivan, James O.
Sutton, James R.
Swallow, Joseph 1892 bio p585
Swanick, Arthur
Swanson, Claus H.
Swanson, David C.
Talbot, John
Tallman, C. W. 1892 bio p652
Tapp, Samuel John 1892 bio p352
Teter, John 1892 bio p496
Thackray, John 1892 bio p687
Thayer, Atherton W. 1892 bio p646
Thompson, Abel C. 1892 bio p325
Thompson, A. C. 1908 bio
Thompson, A. M.
Thompson, Amos R.
Thompson, B. S.
Thompson, J. A.
Thompson, John H. 1892 bio p353
Thompson, John Mead 1892 bio p493
Thompson, John M. 1908 bio
Thompson, Osgood 1892 bio p369
Thompson, Thomas D. 1892 bio p467
Thompson, Thomas O. 1892 bio p455
Thompson, William E.
Thompson, William H.
Tindall, Augustus 1892 bio p640
Trickel, William 1892 bio p363
Trickel, William R. 1892 bio p461
Trigger, Richard 1892 bio p791
Trigger, Richard 1908 bio
Tyler, Nelson B. 1892 bio p597
Umbarger, Josiah 1892 bio p662
Underwood, Mary Ann 1892 bio p793
Van Nostin, John 1892 bio p322
VanSteenbergh, Edward 1892 bio p739
Vaughn, John M. 1892 bio p530
Vogelbacher, August
Wagner, Jacob C. 1892 bio p637
Wagner, John 1892 bio p665
Wagner, Peter 1892 bio p362
Wagner, Peter 1908 bio
Wait, Eben
Waldschmidt, John J.
Wallrichs, William A.
Walrich, Frank O.
Walters, Christ
Warner, John H. 1892 bio p508
Warren, James
Watson, James
Watts, William R.
Way, Virgil Gilman 1892 bio p631
Way, Virgil G. 1908 bio
Weakman, John
Weaver, Maurice H. 1892 bio p375
Weber, Baltz
Wesslund, Charles E. 1892 bio p508
Wesslund, John A. 1892 bio p510
White, James H. 1892 bio p456
Whorrall, Joseph 1892 bio p452
Wilcox, Luman B.
Wiley, Thomas R.
Wilson, Robert 1892 bio p757
Wilson, Robert C. 1908 bio
Wilson, William J. 1892 bio p707
Wilson, William J. 1908 bio
Wood, George D. 1892 bio p767
Woodburn, George M. 1892 bio p732
Woodrum, DeWitt C. 1892 bio p712
Woolstoncroft, David 1892 bio p679
Woolstoncroft, John
Worrell, Milton D. 1892 bio p560
Wright, James M.
Wright, William Cyrus 1892 bio p376
Wunder, Edward 1892 bio p461
Wunder, George 1892 bio p469
Wylie, Jonathan D.
Wylie, Samuel Mack 1892 bio p539
Wylie, Samuel M. 1908 bio
Yeager, Peter J. 1892 bio p809
Yeomans, Charles Howard 1892 bio p416