Henry George, identified with the farming interests of Rogers township, his
home being on section 22, indicates his progressive and enterprising spirit
in the excellent and well kept appearance of his place. He is cultivating a
half section upon which he has lived since January, 1902, devoting the farm
to the raising of grain and stock. He was born near Ottawa, Illinois,
November 17, 1859, his parents being Newell P. and Thusy Ann (Weeks) George.
The father was born in Sunapee, New Hampshire, July 23, 1832, a son of Worthen and Rachel (Emerson) George, representatives of old New England families, who traced their ancestry back to Scotland. Many representatives of the name lived in New Hampshire, and at one election twenty-three votes were east by those bearing the name in one town. The paternal great-grandfather of our subject, Elijah George, served as a soldier in the war of 1812. Newell P. George was afforded good educational advantages during the period of his youth, completing the high-school course. When he attained his majority he began teaching, following that pursuit for a time, after which he was employed in a mercantile establishment for five years, and it was during that time that he was married in 1855 to Miss Thusy Ann Weeks, who was born in Vermont in 1837 but at the time of her marriage was living in Massachusetts.
Removing westward with his family Newell P. George first located in Kendall county, Illinois, where he rented land and engaged in farming until 1869, when he removed to Livingston county and purchased forty acres of land in Broughton township. He improved this place with good buildings and added to his landed holdings until his place comprised one hundred and sixty acres. Although for two years after his removal to this state he engaged in teaching school in addition to his farming interests, his later years were entirely devoted to general agricultural pursuits and stock-raising. He was ever known as a public-spirited citizen, giving loyal support to many movements which tended to promote the welfare of his section of the state. His political allegiance was given to the democratic party and for twelve years he served as road commissioner, while for a quarter of a century he acted as school director.
His family numbered the following children: Charles H., who died in Livingston county; Eugene H., of this review; Isabelle, who died in infancy; Edward, who died in infancy; Carrie, who died at the age of two years; Burton, who resides in Kankakee county, Illinois; Frank S., of Bradley; Adelbert, who resides in Emington, Livingston county, this state; and Ed who makes his home in Kankakee county.
Eugene Henry George was an infant when the parents removed to Newark, Kendall county, Illinois, where they resided eleven years, after which they took up their abode in Broughton township, Livingston county. He continued under the parental roof until twenty-three years of age and was trained to habits of industry, economy and unfaltering diligence. He was married at the age of twenty-four years and began farming on his own account in Broughton township, Livingston county, where he remained for four years. He then removed to Gross township in the same county, where he resided for five years, after which he again took up his abode in Broughton township. When eight years had passed he came to his present place of residence in January, 1902. Here he cultivates a half of section 22, Rogers township, the place being the James Oglevie farm. It is devoted to the raising of grain and stock and in his business interests Mr. George is meeting with well merited success. Two years ago he purchased an improved farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Jaclvson county, Minnesota, and still owns this property.
In 1885 Mr. George was united in marriage to Miss Kate Hughes, who was born in Wisconsin, November 18, 1859, and when about six years of age was brought to Ford county by her parents, John and Mary (Morris) Hughes, both of whom were natives of Wales and spent their last days in this county. The father was born August 15, 1818, and when about thirty-five years of age crossed the Atlantic to New York. He was married in that state near Bridgewater to Mary Morris, who was born in Wales in 1828 and came to the new world on the same vessel on which Mr. Hughes crossed. After a short residence in the Empire state they removed to Racine, Wisconsin, where he worked as a farm hand for a time and afterward began farming on his own account. In 1865 they arrived in Rogers township. Ford county, and for thirty-six years thereafter Mr. Hughes carried on general agricultural pursuits prior to his retirement from active business life. He took up his abode in Cabery about ten years ago and there resided in the enjoyment of well earned rest until called to his final home June 27, 1905. His wife passed away January 23, 1903. Soon after coming to the county Mr. Hughes purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land and afterward bought an adjoining tract of one hundred and sixty acres, and at his death he left his valuable farming property of three hundred and twenty acres, together with a good house and lot in Cabery. When his farm came into his possession it was wild prairie land and all of the improvements upon it were made by him. He lived in a neighbor's barn until he could erect a small house but as the years passed he was enabled to add modern improvements and substantial buildings to his place and his energy and well directed activity gained for him a handsome competence. Both he and his wife were members of the Cabery Presbyterian church. Unto them were born six children: Mary, now the wife of N. C. Hall, of Kankakee county; Anna, the wife of D. A. Bouk, of Kempton; Mrs. George; David, of Missouri; John, of Emington; and Thomas, who is living upon the old homestead place.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. George have been born three children: Oliver and Olive, twins, born April 21, 1887; and Harry, born October 9, 1890. Mr. and Mrs. George are well known in this locality, having for many years resided in this part of the state and they have a large circle of friends in Rogers township.
Extracted 16 Oct 2016 by Norma Hass from History of Ford County, Illinois, From Its Earliest Settlement to 1908, author E. A. Gardner, Volume 2, pages 556-561.