Andrew Jordan, one of the earliest settlers of Ford county and one of
her most successful farmers, was the owner of eight hundred and eighty acres
of very fine land, his home being situated on section 13, Drummer township.
A man of enterprising and progressive spirit, he brought his farm under a
high state of cultivation, placing thereon excellent buildings and many
substantial improvements.
Mr. Jordan was born near Louisville, Kentucky, August 28, 1828, his parents being William and Lovica, (Brooks) Jordan, both of whom were natives of Virginia and located in Kentucky about 1818. A few years later they removed to Monroe county, near Gosport, Indiana, where they spent the remainder of their lives. The father died about 1855 and the mother about 1849. By occupation he was a farmer and ever followed that business for a livelihood. Both he and his wife were adherents of the Baptist church and his political allegiance was given to the democracy.
Our subject was fifth in order of birth in a family of twelve children. He received but a limited education and remained with his parents until he had attained his majority, when he started out in life for himself. With a horse and fifteen dollars in money, he located near Virginia, Cass county, Illinois, and began work as a farm hand, receiving thirteen dollars per month. In the fall of 1850, he returned to Indiana and after a short time went to Bloomington, Illinois, where he worked for about six months. He then became a resident of Cass county, Illinois, where he was engaged as a farm hand. Once more he returned to Indiana and subsequently located in Champaign county, Illinois, having purchased one hundred acres of land. A year later, however, he exchanged farms with his father-in-law, receiving eighty acres, which Mr. Devore had entered from the government.
Mr. Jordan was married, on the 30th of November, 1852, to Miss Amanda Devore, who was born near Gosport, Owen county, Indiana, March 16, 1835, a daughter of Nicholas and Polly (Hartzog) Devore, who were of German lineage. They were also members of the Christian church, and in politics Mr. Devore was a stalwart republican. Immediately after their marriage our subject and his wife settled on their farm in Champaign county, but in March, 1854, came to Ford county. From time to time he added to his possessions until he became the owner of eleven hundred acres, but afterward sold a portion of it and at the time of his death owned eight hundred and eighty acres of valuable land. He also owned and operated one of the largest brick and tile works in the county and, in connection with his farming, raised a fine grade of horses and cattle. His well directed labor and untiring perseverance brought to him a most gratifying measure of success as the years went by and he was widely recognized as a prosperous and influential citizen of the community. In the early days of his residence in this county he underwent all the hardships and trials of frontier life. The first home of the family was a log cabin, and they did their first corn planting under trying circumstances. Mr. Jordan would take the baby (their son William) in his arms and plow for a time, while his wife would drop the corn. At length he fixed a box on top of the plow and, placing the little fellow in that, resumed his work. Markets were far distant, and Paxton, Loda, Elliott, Gibson, Melvin and Sibley, all now thriving towns, were not then laid out. They saw the introduction of all the railroads in this part of the county and were eye witnesses of much of the growth and development of this community.
Five children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Jordan: William, who has been identified with farming in Sibley; James, who carries on general agricultural pursuits on section 24, Drummer township; John, a successful farmer and tile manufacturer, residing on section 24, Drummer township; Lizzie, the wife of Dr. Campbell; and Charles, who cultivates three hundred and twenty acres of land on section 24, Drummer township, a part of his father's estate.
The parents were people of benevolent disposition, holding membership with the Christian church in Gibson and taking an active interest in its work. Church and Sunday school were held in their home and that of their neighbors in the early days. In the fall of 1890 Mr. Jordan donated two hundred and twenty thousand brick for the beautiful church edifice in which he worshiped and which stands as a monument to his benevolence. In 1861 the first township and the first presidential elections in Drummer township were held in his home.
Mr. Jordan was the first supervisor of Drummer township, which office he filled for two years, and was recognized as one of the most honored and prominent citizens of the county. In the faithful discharge of his duties and every trust reposed in him, he won the confidence and high regard of all and when he was called to his final rest on the 28th day of June, 1901, the county mourned the loss of one of its worthy and respected pioneers.
Extracted 19 Oct 2016 by Norma Hass from History of Ford County, Illinois, From Its Earliest Settlement to 1908, author E. A. Gardner, Volume 1, pages 414-418.