McDermott, one of the enterprising and prosperous agriculturists and
stock-raisers of Ford county, is a native son of Will county, Illinois,
where his birth occurred on the lOth of April, 1864, his parents being John
and Katherine McDermott. The parents were natives of Ireland but in an early
day emigrated to the new world, taking up their abode in New York, where
they remained for six years. On the expiration of that period they made
their way westward to Illinois, locating in Will county. In the year 1868,
however, they removed to Ford county, where the father purchased a farm and
was successful in its operation. He passed away on the 14th of March, 1007,
but is still survived by his widow, who makes her home in Piper City,
Illinois. They were the parents of ten children, seven of whom are still
living: John, who resides in New York; Mary, the wife of John McCormick, of
Kansas City, Missouri; Bridget, deceased; Owen, living in Pella township.
Ford county; Edward, of this review; William, of Piper City, Illinois;
Peter, who makes his home in Creston, Illinois; Martin, residing in
Champaign county, Illinois; and two who have passed away.
Edward McDermott acquired a common-school education and remained under the parental roof until he had attained his majority, when he rented a farm, which he operated successfully for eight years. He then purchased a tract of land of two hundred acres in Fella township on section 14 and later, as his financial resources increased, added eighty acres more on section 36 of the same township. In addition to this property he also owns three hundred and twenty acres near Winnipeg, Canada. His holdings are therefore quite extensive and in the cultivation of his fields he is meeting with a gratifying measure of prosperity by reason of his well directed energy and capable business management. In addition to his agricultural interests he makes a specialty of raising cattle, horses and hogs and this branch of his business is also proving a good source of income to him.
On the 5th of February, 1896, Mr. McDermott was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. McGreevy, who was born in Livingston county, Illinois, in 1866. She was one of a family of fourteen children, the mother of whom is still living, the father, however, being deceased. Unto Mr. and Mrs. McDermott were born four children, as follows: John J., Edward L., William Vincent and Eugene Francis.
In his political views Mr. McDermott is a stalwart democrat and has served as school director for several years, the cause of education finding in him a stanch friend. Both he and his wife are communicants of the Catholic church at Piper City and are widely recognized as people of genuine personal worth and sterling integrity. "Sir. McDermott has resided in this county from early childhood and is therefore largely familiar with its upbuilding and substantial development, especially along agricultural lines, with which he has been connected throughout the entire period of his manhood.
Extracted 16 Oct 2016 by Norma Hass from History of Ford County, Illinois, From Its Earliest Settlement to 1908, author E. A. Gardner, Volume 2, pages 500-503.