Raab is a worthy representative of one of the honored and respected pioneer
families of this section of the state. He is now closely associated with
agricultural interests in Ford county and also figures in financial circles
as vice president of the Farmers State Bank of Cabery. He was born in
Morris, Grundy county, Illinois, May 9, 1863, his parents being George and
Wilhelmina (Beaver) Raab, both of whom were natives of Germany. They came to
the United States in early life and were married in Illinois. The father
died upon the farm which is now the home of his son Henry, his death
resulting from the kick of a colt, on the 4th of September, 1864, when he
was but thirty-nine years of age. His wife, who was born in Germany,
September 20, 1827, crossed the Atlantic in 1856 and died in Cabery,
February 13, 1897. After losing her first husband she became the wife of
Carl Rusag. There were no children by the second marriage and by the first
marriage there was a daughter, Mary, now the wife of Herman Christ, of
Kankakee county, Illinois; and Henry.
Henry Raab was only about a year old when his parents removed from Grundy county to Ford county and settled upon the farm which has since been his home. Here he was reared and was early trained to the work of the fields, gaining intimate knowledge of the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops. He now owns two hundred and forty acres of land, all on section 20, Rogers township, which includes the eighty acres contained in the original Raab farm. All of the improvements upon the place have been made by our subject and the family. It was a tract of unbroken prairie when the father came, and with characteristic energy he began to turn the furrows and plant the fields, while Henry Raab aided more and more largely in the work of the farm as his age and strength increased. Three years ago he erected his present dwelling, which is a substantial residence, and there are also other good buildings upon the place, indicative of the progressive spirit of the owner, whose energy and diligence have been the resultant factors in his success. Aside from his farming interests he is now a director and the vice president of the Farmers State Bank of Cabery since its organization in 1903 and he is also a director and secretary of the Kempton Farmers elevator.
On the 17th of December, 1889, Mr. Raab was united in marriage to Miss Christina Ottmuller, who was born in Woodford county, Illinois, near El Paso, September 20, 1867, a daughter of Jacob and Jordena (Johnson) Ottmuller, who were natives of Germany, the former a native of Wittenberg and the latter of Hanover. They were married, however, in Illinois and the father died in Cullom three years ago, at the age of seventy-eight years, while the mother still resides in Cullom. In their family were four children: Charles, who is living near Cullom; Mrs. Raab; Jacob, a resident of North Dakota; and Chris, who is now living in Montana. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Raab have been born four children, Jordena, George, Hattie and Frederick.
Mr. Raab is a stalwart advocate of the republican party, doing all in his power to promote its growth and extend its influence. He is now serving for the third consecutive term as supervisor of Rogers township and his reelection is indicative of his fidelity and capability in office. He belongs to the Lutheran church and is a man whose many excellent traits of character have won for him the respect of those with whom he has come in contact. He is loyal and progressive in citizenship, reliable and diligent in business, and true to the ties of friendship. Almost his entire life has been spent in Ford county and he has been a witness of its growth and upbuilding for forty-four years.
Extracted 19 Oct 2016 by Norma Hass from History of Ford County, Illinois, From Its Earliest Settlement to 1908, author E. A. Gardner, Volume 1, pages 398-401.